Toda la información sobre la exportación de marisco: principales países

The main seafood export countries in the world

Seafood export is a very important global industry that supplies the demand for seafood around the world. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in the economy of exporting countries by generating income, employment and international recognition.

Seafood export is a very important global industry that supplies the demand for seafood around the world. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in the economy of exporting countries by generating income, employment and international recognition.

In this article, we tell you which are the main seafood exporting countries in the world and the relevance of this industry in the United States.

TOP Exporting countries: Seafood products

The main seafood and fish exporting countries in the world vary depending on the type of fishery product and the moment in which they are located. The figures can change due to various factors, such as the availability of resources, seafood market conditions and trade policies.

According to the FAO report “The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2022”, the TOP exporters of seafood by country are:

  1. China

It is one of the leading seafood exporters in the world, exporting a wide variety of marine products, from shrimp to processed fish. In 2020, the total exports of China was  US$18 billion worth of aquatic products. This accounts for 12% of the global total.

  1. Norway

It is known for its export of fishing products, especially salmon and cod. In 2020, Norway exported aquatic products worth USD 11 billion, or 7.4% of the world total.

  1. Vietnam

It is a major exporter of shrimp and other seafood, and its aquaculture industry has seen significant growth in exports. In 2020, Vietnam exported aquatic products worth US$8.5 billion, 5.6% of the global total.

  1. Chile

According to the FAO, Chile has taken advantage of its geographical advantages to develop an extensive aquaculture industry, which produces the world’s second largest production of salmonids, complemented by smaller quantities of mussels. In 2020, Chilean exports of aquatic products amounted to USD 5.9 billion (3.9% of the global value).

  1. India

It is a leading exporter of marine products, including shrimp, frozen fish and other seafood. In 2020, India’s aquatic products exports reached a total value of USD 5.8 billion.

Seafood exports. What is the importance in the U.S.?

The United States is among the 10 countries that export the most seafood products (7th position). The export of seafood and fish, which reached a value of USD 5.39 billion in 2022, is of vital importance for our country for the following reasons:

  • The export of seafood contributes significantly to the American economy by generating income from sales abroad. Furthermore, this industry provides employment to a large number of people throughout the production chain, from fishing to distribution and export.
  • The export of seafood allows the United States to diversify its markets and not depend exclusively on domestic consumption. This reduces the industry’s vulnerability to fluctuations in local demand and domestic economic conditions.
  • Seafood exports can help the U.S. to maintain a positive trade balance in the food sector, that is, export more than it imports. This can help improve the economic position of the country and strengthen its economy.
  • To be competitive in international markets, the seafood industry in the U.S. has had to invest in innovation and technology, which in turn benefits other areas of the economy and encourages research and development.
  • The seafood export sector has also promoted sustainable fishing initiatives and responsible management of marine resources in the United States. This is essential to ensure the long-term continuity of the industry and to comply with international marine conservation regulations.

The United States is a country recognized for its fishing tradition and exports a wide variety of seafood products such as shrimp, crabs, tuna, salmon, lobsters, etc. to countries such as Canada, Japan, Mexico, China and South Korea. At KrustaGroup, a global seafood supplier, we are proud to have more than 50 years of passionate relationship with the sea and to be part of the group of Spanish companies that contribute to the export of quality seafood.



  US Fish and Seafood Exports in 2022:

   The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2022  (2022):



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